Sóley Hyman

Astronomy Graduate Student

University of Arizona, Department of Astronomy and Steward Observatory


PECCARY: Permutation Entropy, statistiCal Complexity, And fouRier analYsis

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peccary is a Python package for distinguishing between regular, complex, and stochastic behavior in timeseries. The package calculates the Permutation Entropy and the Jensen-Shannon Statistical Complexity for a given timeseries. It also includes a variety of plotting routines, utility functions, and example time-series. It is installable through both pip and conda-forge.

Learn more about PECCARY on its ReadTheDocs and GitHub pages

LightSound Computer Interface

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The LightSound Computer Interface is a graphical user interface (GUI) designed for logging and plotting data from a LightSound device. It is available as a standalone executable for both Windows and OSX operating systems, as well as a Python script. It is fully accessible for Windows screenreader users.

See more on the LightSound 2.0 GitHub page and the screenreader-accesible User Guide page